Six Movies, One Story
If you’ve never heard of Star Wars before, here are the basics: Star Wars is a series of science-fiction movies conceived of by George Lucas and taking place “a long time ago in a galaxy far far away”. The first Star Wars movie was Episode IV (also referred to as “A New Hope” or just “Star Wars”) and it was released in 1977. Two sequels followed in 1980 and 1983, completing Episodes IV to VI and what’s now referred to as the “original trilogy”. Then in the 90s, it was decided to finally complete the story and production began on the three “prequels” movies, Episodes I to III. Episode I was released in 1999, with Episodes II and III following in 2002 and 2005. With the release of Episode III on DVD in November 2005, fans can now watch the entire Star Wars saga in chronological order.
3s rolex datejust m279384rbr 0004 ladies 28mm pink dial oyster braceletI won’t go into too much detail about the plot (because other sites do a much better job than I ever could!), but Star Wars is basically the story of Anakin Skywalker. The prequels movies depict his fall to evil (the “Dark Side of the Force”) and the original trilogy shows how he was redeemed back to the light by his son, Luke. One great thing about Star Wars is the plot is so simple on the surface, but once you dig deeper there are layers and layers of extra meaning. That’s why it never gets old! And that’s why for many people, “Star Wars is forever”.
Uniting the Fans
This fanlisting is for the Star Wars movie series as a whole. Now obviously we all have our own preferences when it comes to the movies. Some of us love the prequels, some of us don’t. Some of us love delving in the the expanded universe of Star Wars novels, comics, and games; others believe that the movies should be the beginning and end of the saga. Some of us love Padme/Anakin, others prefer Han/Leia, Obi-Wan/Anakin, Obi-Wan/Padme, or no pairings at all. Some of us would feel at home aboard the Millennium Falcon, others would rather be a Jedi in the Old Republic. There are those of us who love clones, Jar Jar, ewoks, General Grievous, and Darth Maul, and those who hate all of the above. But no matter our differences, we’re all still Star Wars fans.
This fanlisting is focused on what joins us together as fans, not what separates us. There will always be differing opinions, but there is just one Star Wars and we’re united in that fact.
That said, if you do not wish to have your name listed amongst fans who disagree with your preferences, this may not be the place for you. This fanlisting is for all people who consider themselves fans of the Star Wars movies, but fans come in all shapes and sizes. If you dislike fans of kinds other than your own, you might be better off to join other Star Wars fanlistings instead. The TFL-approved fanlistings for the individual movies are listed on the links page, so that might be a viable alternative for people who only like a few of the movies. Otherwise, read the rules, grab a code, and join up!